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CHS Athletics 🐴🐴🐴🐴🐴

Week of October 30th November 4th

Monday October 30th⚽️⛳️⚽️⛳️⚽️⛳️
Soccer 1st rd of the NCHSAA 2A Playoffs 
Clinton Home vs. Southwest Onslow 6:00
(Senior night)
W. Golf 2A State Championship at Monroe 9:00

Tuesday October 31st⛳️🏌‍♀️🏌‍♀️🏌‍♀️🏌‍♀️⛳️
W. Golf at Monroe 2A State Championship at Monroe 

Thursday November 2nd⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️
Soccer 2nd rd of the NCHSAA Playoffs
Home vs. TBD. 6:00

Friday November 3rd🏈🏉🏈🏉🏈🏉
Varsity Football Home vs. Kinston 7:00
1st rd of the NCHSAA 2A playoffs 

Saturday November 4th🎽🏆🏃‍♂️💨👟
Cross Country State Championship 
Kernersville 2:00. Cristian Ortiz 
W. Basketball Jamboree at Home 9:00-5:00pm. 

***Reminder during Playoffs ALL spectators must pay to enter.  NCHSAA Rules.  Only coaching cards and NCHSAA passes excepted.  Season passes are not accepted.

This week begins winter sports🏀🏊‍♂️🥽🏊‍♀️🏀
(Basketball and Swimming).
Those planning on trying out must have a current physical on file and have completed Family ID.
Also athletes need to finish their fall sports before attending winter tryouts.

Coach Spell