CHS Athletics
Week of October 30th November 4th
Monday October 30th
Soccer 1st rd of the NCHSAA 2A Playoffs
Clinton Home vs. Southwest Onslow 6:00
(Senior night)
W. Golf 2A State Championship at Monroe 9:00
Tuesday October 31st
W. Golf at Monroe 2A State Championship at Monroe
Thursday November 2nd
Soccer 2nd rd of the NCHSAA Playoffs
Home vs. TBD. 6:00
Friday November 3rd
Varsity Football Home vs. Kinston 7:00
1st rd of the NCHSAA 2A playoffs
Saturday November 4th
Cross Country State Championship
Kernersville 2:00. Cristian Ortiz
W. Basketball Jamboree at Home 9:00-5:00pm.
***Reminder during Playoffs ALL spectators must pay to enter. NCHSAA Rules. Only coaching cards and NCHSAA passes excepted. Season passes are not accepted.
This week begins winter sports
(Basketball and Swimming).
Those planning on trying out must have a current physical on file and have completed Family ID.
Also athletes need to finish their fall sports before attending winter tryouts.
Coach Spell